April 24, 2013

by: Guest Contributor

Volunteer Appreciation Week!


This week is National Volunteer Appreciation Week and everyone at UCP would like to send out a great big

“Thank YOU!”

to all of our amazing volunteers.  Our organization would not be able to provide services at the levels of quality we strive for without your assistance, guidance, time and energy!  This last Sunday at the Race to Empower was a great example of how UCP volunteers set the tone for the event and provided the manpower that helped make the event run smoothly!

Volunteers participate with organizations for a lot of different reasons.  This week John Polz, an ongoing volunteer with UCP who not only helps out at events but also provides direct service to clients, shared his reasons for volunteering.

Being a Volunteer with UCP means everything to me because it’s the least I can do to give back. I was born with cerebral palsy and utilized UCP services during my preschool thru 3rd grade years at Sunbeam and UCP summer camps.

The support I received from my family, staff, and volunteers contributed to the stepping stones of my life. I have not forgotten the strength and passion they provided that helped me strive to do the best I can to succeed. Granted I had to work twice as hard to accomplish my goals. Without the support of my family and UCP, I wouldn’t be here today.

Having the opportunity to give a few hours out of my busy day to visit friends at UCP is the most gratifying feeling, and the least I can do. I am very honored to have met so many strong, independent, and happy friends. I am truly humbled.


Thank you to John and to all of you who take time to volunteer with UCP of Greater Cleveland!

If you would like to get involved with UCP of Greater Cleveland as a volunteer, please visit our Volunteer Page or contact Emily Hastings at 216-791-8363 ext. 1232 or ehastings@ucpcleveland.org for information on how you can make a difference for children and adults with disabilities through sharing your time and talents.


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