December 7, 2021

by: Renee Canfield

A Farewell Letter from our President & CEO

Dear Friends,

My 20 years at UCP have been bookended by 911 and the pandemic. My…how the world has changed. These last two years at UCP have proven to be the most trying of them all. However, I have been nothing less than amazed by the resiliency, commitment, and perseverance of our staff and their determination to continue to serve. The Agency has broadened its footprint, added programs to address critical needs, and established incredibly talented programming and leadership teams.

It has truly been a privilege to lead and represent this organization. I offer my gratitude to the staff who make a difference in the lives of many, our donors who trust in the value of our work, our clients who inspire me every day, and our board members who volunteer their time, talent, and treasure to our cause.

Beth Lucas, UCP’s COO, and I have worked side by side for 14 years and she is ready for the challenge and fully prepared to fill my seat on 1/1/22. She and her team will face the most difficult times in this agency’s evolution, and I am confident that, together, they will not only recover from the effects of the pandemic but will come out of this stronger and better, continuing to serve the community as only we can.

With my deepest gratitude and very best wishes for a bright future,

Trish Otter

Please consider a year-end gift to UCP of Greater Cleveland in honor of Trish Otter’s 20 years of service and upcoming retirement!

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